Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Agua! / Water!

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Monday, July 25, 2011

Una dieta saludable / A healthy diet

Durante el campamento no paramos de hacer actividades y gastamos mucha energia, por eso es muy importante comer bien y sano. La fruta es algo esencial en nuestra dieta diaria y a nuestros jóvenes les encanta. 

During the camp we don´t stop doing activities and we spent lot of energy, that is why it is important eat healthy. Fruit is something essential in our diet and our kids love it!

Chiara (Italy) and Avery (USA)

Laura (France) and Keiran (UK)

Alex (Russia) and Cesar (France)

Sarah (Switzerland)

Odette (Switzerland) and Eythor (Iceland)

Gillian (UK)

Felicidades Profesor! / Happy Birthday Teacher!

 Hoy es el cumpleaños de Alberto, uno de los profesores de español y los niños han querido darle una sorpresa con una tarta y varias felicitaciones. Aquí están algunas de ellas:

Today is Alberto´s birthday, one of the Spanish teachers and the kids have surprised him with a cake and some cards and comments. Here you are some of them: 

-¡Feliz cumpleaños Alberto! Tú día tienes que ser increible, impresionante, alucinante, fantástico, la caña, chulo y total!  Avery
-Eres el el mejor profesor ¡Felicidades! Keiran and Eric
- Alberto, ¡Cumpleaños feliz! ¡Cómo te queremos! (Las chicas italianas) 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

El Buzón / The Mailbox

El buzón es una de las actividades que más gustan a nuestros chicos. Cada noche, antes de dormir leemos las cartas que han escrito durante el día. En esta ocasión, Sonny nos quiso dar las gracias a todos por su feliz estancia:

The Mailbox is one of the activities that kids enjoy most. Every night, before going to the bed, we read all the letters they have written during the day. In this occasion, Sonny wanted to thank us for his happy stay:

Dear Camp,
I want to say "gracias" to all of you!
I want to say "gracias" for all the fun I have had with you!
I want to say "gracias" for many magic moments I have lived with everyone!
I want to say "gracias" because this camp was one of the greatest, funniest and wonderful experience I have ever had!
Everyone of you is a wonderful person.
Everyone of you have a character with charisma!
All the doors, all over the world, are open for people like you, for people who live and enjoy their life!
I have never met so many cool, pretty, intelligent and nice people such as all of you!
Sonny Kaspar (Alemania)

Maletas / Suitcases

Día para volver a decir adiós a todos los que se van.
Time to say good bye again to those who are leaving.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Disfraces con mucha imaginación / Costumes with lot of imagination

Los Romanos / The Romans
Una fiesta de disfraces muy original / A very original fancy dress party 

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Funny Beach

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Foto de grupo / Group picture

Esta es nuestra foto de grupo de la primera quincena
This is our group picture from the first fortnight

Kayak en Sotogrande

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Friday, July 15, 2011


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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Escalada / Rockclimbing

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Monday, July 11, 2011


En el campamento también pueden probar platos típicos de España como la famosa Paella.
In the camp the kids can try typical Spanish dishes such as the famous Paella.

Descubriendo Tarifa / Discovering Tarifa

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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bailando! / Dancing!

La música siempre está presente en el campamento. En las fotos se muestra cómo los niños trabajan juntos para hacer sus propias coreografías. 
Music is always at the camp. The photos shown how our kids work together in their own coreographies.